25kw Solar PV on roof installation by Carbon Legacy

Your Vision, Our Expertise

Welcome to Carbon Legacy, your go-to partner in turning your sustainable energy dreams into tangible, everyday reality. With a track record of over 2500 successful installations, our expertise isn’t just in numbers, it’s in making each project—be it at your home or business—count.

At Carbon Legacy, we don’t just install solar panels like most other renewable energy firms; we provide a bespoke consultation experience. Why? Because we know each client’s needs are unique.

Our consultation isn’t just a formality; it’s the cornerstone of our success.

How it works

  • Understanding Your Needs: We kick things off by really getting to know you. What’s your energy consumption like? What are your sustainability goals? We dive deep because the more we know, the better we can tailor our solutions.
  • Site Analysis: Every location has its own quirks. We evaluate your site’s specific characteristics—be it your home’s roof orientation or your business’s available land—to optimize the installation.
  • Technology Matching: With a plethora of tech out there, we guide you in choosing the right equipment. Weather its solar PV, heating/hot water systems, thermal systems, battery storage; we match technology to your needs, not the other way around.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Let’s talk numbers. We provide a detailed breakdown of costs, savings, and payback time. This way, you know exactly what to expect in terms of financial and environmental ROI.
  • Seamless Installation & Aftercare: Once you give the green light, our team of certified professionals ensures a smooth installation. And our relationship doesn’t end there; we offer robust aftercare support.

This detailed, client-centric approach is why we’ve been able to complete over 2500 installations successfully. At Carbon Legacy, we’re not just installing renewable energy solutions; we’re building a legacy of sustainability, one consultation at a time.

Solar PV installation nottingham

Next Steps

  • Get in Touch: Contact us today to start your renewable energy journey. You can reach us via phone, email, or our website contact form. Our friendly team is ready to listen to your needs and answer any questions you have.
  • Schedule a Consultation: We’ll arrange a convenient time for an initial consultation, either virtually or in person. This is a no-obligation chat to understand your requirements, preferences, and to introduce you to the possibilities with us.
  • Custom Proposal: Based on our consultation, we will prepare a bespoke proposal for you. This includes a detailed plan of the recommended renewable energy solutions, an estimated timeline, and a clear pricing structure.
  • Site Assessment: If you decide to proceed, our expert team will conduct a thorough site assessment to ensure that all technical and logistical aspects are covered for a smooth installation process.
  • Installation and Beyond: Once everything is agreed upon, we’ll schedule the installation at a time that’s convenient for you. Our professional team ensures a hassle-free installation process. Post-installation, we provide comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure your systems are always running at peak efficiency.
Speak to us

Ready to Embrace Renewable Energy?

Choose a partner with proven expertise and a human touch. At Carbon Legacy, we combine deep industry knowledge with a commitment to understanding and meeting your unique needs, ensuring you are in the most capable hands.